OptimalDry™, Heat Pump Tumble Dryer, 9kg
A++ Energy Efficiency with Heat Pump Technology to dry laundry more efficiently by reheating the air in the drum, it’s the most delicate, with less electricity usege.
It adjusts the drying time and protects clothes from damage, by using moisture and temperature sensors, it calls OptimalDry™ smart technology.
You can adjust the door to work with the space. The reversible door lets you choose if it opens on the left or the right.
You also can have your favorite shirt dry by now with 35 Minute Quick Dry cycle, It's ideal for loads of up to 1kg.
Our 2-in-1 filter which collects fluff, meaning the heat exchange filter needs cleaning less often. And in case you forget, the handy clean alarm reminds you when it needs to be done. and your machine will make it last longer...
Select the clever Wrinkle Prevent setting once your cycle ends, it will cool the clothes down and rotate the drum to prevent creases.