Payment & Delivery

  • The products ordered from the website will be delivered within (5) working days in the city of Amman and within (10) working days to the other the governorates from the date of registering the order and confirmation by the company.
  • You can choose the "Pay on Delivery" method, or pay the value of the ordered products through the website via the secure electronic payment portal. It is also possible to use any of the approved credit cards or electronic payment cards. (In this case, the electronic payment terms approved by the electronic payment service providers are applied without any liability on the company).
  • For the purposes of receiving your application, you must provide a valid civil status ID that includes a personal photo, and the name must match the name in the application details.
  • In the event that you refuse to receive any products that you have ordered or did not receive, except in the event that the refusal is attributed to an apparent damage from the carrier or any of the reasons mentioned in the return policy below, you will bear the responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of the products, without limiting any of the rights or other measures we have, we will still be entitled to receive the full price for products sent to the delivery address, including shipping costs and any installation charges.
  • Return: the user/customer has the right to request the return of the product purchased through the website within 24 hours from the date of receiving, provided that it must be sealed (closed) and in the same condition in which it was received, with submitting the invoice or purchase receipt, and matching the serial number of the purchased product which must be the same when any returns are requested. The value of the paid product remains a balance for him in his account on the website, with no cash refund for the amount paid.
  • After ordering a specific product through this website, the relevant department will contact the person who placed the order to confirm and give the address in detail. In the event of no response, the order will be frozen until direct communication with the user/customer is made. If he does not respond within two working days, the order will be cancelled.
  • In the event of any error when receiving the product (error in the model - the specification - the installation mechanism) the company must be informed within 24 hours from the time of receipt and after the passage of this period, the delivery shall be considered valid.


Delivery and Installation

  • Free connection and installation for the following products: TV screens larger than (43) inches - refrigerator - dryer - washing machine - dishwasher - air conditioner (connection and installation of air conditioners is free inside Amman and with adding an amount of 20 Dinars for the delivery and installation in the other governorates).
  • An amount of (3) Dinars shall be added to the value of the following products when connected: mobile phone - Tablet device (TAB) - smart accessory such as watches or wireless headphones - microwave - vacuum cleaner - TV screen measuring (43) inches or less.
  • As for the installation, it includes the process of connecting water pipes or power lines and does not include the process of laying new lines or pipes. As for the installation of air conditioners, the price includes the installation of pipes with a length of (3.5) meters between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit. Any increase in the length of the pipes will be at a cost of 15 Dinars per meter.
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